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廣州雅思閱讀配對題解題技巧 實例解析|廣州雅思英語學校

208 2020-07-20



 20 Peter Toohey

 21 Thomas Goetz

 22 John Eastwood

 23 Francoise Wemelsfelder

 List of Ideas

 A. The way we live today may encourage boredom.

 B. One sort of boredom is worse than allthe others.

 C. Levels of boredom may fall in the future.

 D. Trying to cope with boredom can increase its negative effects.

 E. Boredom may encourage us to avoid an unpleasant experience.



 B By asking people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic... Of the five types, the most damaging is 'reactant' boredom with its explosive combination of high arousal and negative emotion.

 B. One sort of boredom is worse than all theothers.

 它在原文中的對應點很容易通過人名定位到b段靠后的位置,發(fā)現(xiàn)答案對應B選項的描述。在這里,我們來看一看題目和原文之間的同義替換:most damaging = worse than all the others。這是一個很典型的比較關系的對應,通常情況下,如果原文和題目中有一方出現(xiàn)了最高級,另一方很有可能會出現(xiàn)普通的比較級,而這種比較關系的另一方就會是其他所有(all the other/ the rest of…等),反之亦然。覺得有點繞?那我們舉個隨便的栗子順便夸夸自己:I’m better than all the other people = I’m the best



 18. Less time can be spent on exerciseswith gifted pupils who produce accurate work.

 Overviewing research on the thinking process of highly able children, (Shore andKanevsky, 1993) put the instructor% problem succinctly: 'If they [thegifted] merely think more quickly, then we need only teach more quickly. If they merely make fewer errors, then we can shorten the practice'.


 shorten the practice = less time spent on exercises。

 很明顯,在這組同義替換中,題目出現(xiàn)了比較級而原文沒有,但兩者之間的對應關系仍然成立。原因其實很簡單,就是動詞也可以表達比較關系。所謂shorten practice就是指縮短練習,即減少練習時間,那么對應的就是練習時間更少。



 6.Expressedthe view that the study of epigenetics will increase our knowledge

 Having said that, Reed adds, the latest work in epigenetics promises to take our understanding even further. 'What I like to say is that nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen,' she says.

 有了前面內容的積淀,相信大家對于這道題目的同義替換應該信手拈來:increase our knowledge = take our understanding further。同樣也是動詞和比較級之間的對應關系:增加知識等同于使得我們有更深遠的理解。


 以上是小編為大家?guī)淼摹把潘奸喿x配對題解題技巧 實例解析”的全部內容,希望為大家?guī)硪恍椭?考生如果遇到什么問題,可以咨詢我們的老師,將為您提供專業(yè)的解答。

廣州雅思英語學校成立于1999年,現(xiàn)任校長是有中國雅思“教父”之稱的中國社會科學院博士、中國雅思教育開拓者,資深留學教育專家萬昌明博士。廣州雅思英語學校是國內最早的專業(yè)雅思學校之一,也是英語IELTS考試中文“雅思”命名的首創(chuàng)者之一。十九年來, 廣州雅思英語學校秉承“教育以學生為本,以質量為先”辦學宗旨,堅持“知識、激情、勵志”的教學理念,發(fā)展成為華南乃至中國最大的雅思學校之一。

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