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254 2021-01-08

 在雅思口語考試中 ,經常會有涉及到植物的話題,可能提問的方式不同,比如說要求考生描述自己國家比較有代表性的花、自己喜歡的花、朋友送的花等等。接下來小編為大家?guī)淼氖茄潘伎谡ZPart2話題范文-喜歡的花,附有口語參考范文,方便大家參考。

 雅思口語話題:喜歡的花(Describe your favourite flower),內容有關:卡特蘭這種植物需要充足的光線和空氣才能生長,溫度需要相對溫暖,以保持其平穩(wěn)的生長。由于其簡單的種植方法,這種花在所有人當中都很受歡迎,包括專業(yè)的和業(yè)余的園丁。

 喜歡的花 Describe your favourite flower.

 You should say:

 what it is

 where it is grown

 if it is common in your country

 and explain why it is your favourite flower.

 雅思口語Part 2范文:喜愛的花



 I love Corsage Orchid – the national flower of Brazil. Importantly, the flower grows in every condition but needs warmer temperature. I have a pot containing the flower at my room and they are growing very well. I keep the flowers in my room for their fragrance. They make a vibrant smell in the room. Often people term the flower as orchid queen for extraordinary features.

 The plant requires ample light and air to grow. A moderate temperature is a must for the plant to bloom. The temperature needs to be relatively warm and should remain between 50 – 70 degree Fahrenheit both in day and night time for its smooth growth. But the growers are mindful to protect leaves from burning. Better if someone can manage an open area to grow the plant. Due to its easy growing method, the flower is popular among everyone including the professional and amateur gardeners.

 Brazil is located in eastern part of South America. The climatic condition of the country supports the growth of such flower plants. Consequently, the flowers are available in plenty in Brazil. The history of Corsage Orchid to get the national flower status is interesting. Someone discovered this strange flower from some random leaves in Brazil and a few years later, the flower bloomed and enchanted everyone.

 Corsage Orchid looks gorgeous. The flower fragrance makes me feel relaxed. The outer beauty of Corsage Orchid is adorable and when blooms, it takes a wonderful look. I love the particular fragrance I get in my room. The amazing colour of the flower enhances the room beauty. A large variety of the flower makes it more attractive to people. They shine brightly. So, I like the flower very much.


 Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

 Flowers are widely used in many occasions and festivals in our country to represent for a blessing, happiness and good luck. Most families have at least one kind of plants or flowers at home.

 What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

 A bunch of flowers is considered as a gift for a wide range of occasions for both people to send and receive flowers. For example, in a birthday party, Women’s day, or Valentine’s day, colorful flowers are arranged nicely in a small vase and given to each other.

 In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

 Yes, they do. As mention above, flowers play an essential role in different occasions as a special gift for people to show love to one another. People, especially girls, are happy and pleased when they receive their favorite flowers from beloved ones on their birthday.

 When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?

 It was a couple of weeks ago when I bought a bouquet of flowers as a present for my mom. She was deliriously happy when receiving it and put in in the sitting room so that everyone in my family can admire its beauty too.


 1. Be as fresh as a daisy = to be full of energy and enthusiasm (t??i nh? hoa)

 E.g: After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a daisy.

 2.In bloom (= when flowers are opening)

 3. Give off (=smell)

 E.g: Roses give off a sweet fragrance when they are in bloom.


廣州雅思英語學校成立于1999年,現(xiàn)任校長是有中國雅思“教父”之稱的中國社會科學院博士、中國雅思教育開拓者,資深留學教育專家萬昌明博士。廣州雅思英語學校是國內最早的專業(yè)雅思學校之一,也是英語IELTS考試中文“雅思”命名的首創(chuàng)者之一。十九年來, 廣州雅思英語學校秉承“教育以學生為本,以質量為先”辦學宗旨,堅持“知識、激情、勵志”的教學理念,發(fā)展成為華南乃至中國最大的雅思學校之一。 

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