222 2017-07-01
Has she started talking yet? That is probably the most common question asked of an infant’s parents. The utterance of the first word is regarded as a tremendously significant milestone, and waiting for it often involves an enormous amount of anxiety.
So it is critical to know that the normal range for the onset of expressive language is huge – from six months all the way up to 24 months. Some children who are developing beautifully and will eventually have superb language skills do say their first words as early as six or seven months of age. But many children who are developing beautifully and will eventually have superb language skills do not start talking until somewhere near their second birthday. Furthermore, this is determined strictly by a child’s individual rate and pattern of development programmed into her DNA. You can delay the process by denying a child exposure to language, but there is really nothing you can do to accelerate it.
Unfortunately, since this is not well known, there are people who inadvertently or purposely prey upon the fears of parents. A grandparent whose grandchild is still not speaking at 18 months might say, “What is wrong with her? You were talking at eight months!” And some unscrupulous authors have made a lot of money selling books with titles like “Teach Your Baby to Talk.”
但不幸的是,不是所有的人都明白以上的道理,他們有意無意的引起了寶寶父母們的恐慌。一個18個月還沒有說話的寶寶的祖父母會說“這孩子怎么了?你可是8個月就會說話了?。 倍恍o良作者靠賣“教你的寶寶開口說話”這類書賺了很多錢。
o as difficult as it may be at times, parents simply need to be patient when waiting for their child’s first words. This will preserve their sanity, maybe save them some money, and also give them a chance to recall a cherished memory of a quiet time when their child eventually becomes an incessant chatterbox later on.