《美國末日》已上市 - 維塔士參與制作角色和場景
369 2017-04-24
Thursday June 13 2013 It’s finally here. In a little under twenty-hours you can pop the most critically acclaimed game of 2012-2013 to date into your PS3 and go on a breathtaking, tension-filled journey with Joel and Ellie. The critical reception has been humbling and awe-inspiring. We’re honored by the recognition but most excited to hear what you, our fans, followers, family and friends, think about our work. If you missed it here’s a look at some of what’s in store for you: This is the birth of the Survival Action genre. Joel and Ellie’s journey together Westward won’t be an easy one. The challenges of survival in the post-pandemic United States change from moment-to-moment. You’ll want to listen closely to everything that’s happening around you and acclimate yourself to the harsh realities of the familiar yet unfamiliar environments. Take time to listen but be ready for that beautiful hush to turn into a deafening cacophony of action at any moment. June 14 is going to be awesome. We can’t wait to hear, watch, read, and see what you have to say about The Last of Us! Via NaughtyDog.com